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Goal Setting For Your Best Year Ever in 2020 Posted on November 18, 2019

By Consultant and Business Coaching Speaker - Tracey Mathers

Having been in business for 32 years now goal setting is one thing that I really encourage my clients to do, and not only at the beginning of the year, but all year. Goal setting gets our minds really clear on what we want to achieve, and what actions we need to take to get there.

What do we achieve by Goal setting?

  1. We get inspired
  2. We have direction
  3. We gain self-belief by achieving our goals
  4. We motivate others around us
  5. We live life at our best
  6. We step into our power and grow as a person
  7. We gain both financially and spiritually
  8. We feel Successful
  9. We prioritise what is important
  10. We get what we want in life

A few ideas to get you started with Goal setting

1.     CLARITY

We need very clear vision on what we want for ourselves and our desired outcomes.  Please ask yourself “what do I want to achieve in 2020” Get a list started.


Now that we have the list it may be short, or it may be very long. If it is long, we need to prioritise what we are going to action first, so we don’t go into overwhelm


The how is important in goal setting.  We need to commit to time frames, the action plan, who we need help from, and if obstacles arise how we will handle those.


So important to have someone who knows and understands your vision and will help you stay on track, and guide you when you fell like giving up


No one can get us to our goals faster than we can. Successful people look at different ways they can work around challenges, so never give up just accept the challenge and move through any obstacles


How is it going? No point in writing things down, and then not checking in on how you are going. Just writing them down is not going to get them done. Keep reminding yourself of what the end result will mean to you.


If you see it daily, YOU ARE MORE LIKELY TO ACHIEVE IT. What stays in our vision is likely to be actioned


Celebrate your success, when you get the goal done, reward yourself, there is no greater feeling than finishing something we started, but if we don’t stop and take the time to celebrate, it just gets lost in the routine of doing.

Here’s to YOU having your best year ever by starting right now and spending a few hours working out what you want, and the plan on how you will achieve that.

Happy and Successful 2020 to you.

Tracey Mathers is a trusted advisor to those wanting to build and maintain success in business. With retail running through her veins, third generation retailer Tracey Mathers has been continuing the family tradition for over 25 years. If you would like to know more about Tracey CLICK HERE or call us on 1300 55 64 69