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Rethinking Resilience Posted on February 27, 2023 in Hot Keynote Topics

Rethinking Resilience

In today's 5 Minutes we hear from Dr. Scott Bolland an AI researcher, entrepreneur, international speaker, facilitator, and futurist.  His Ph.D. and background (of 25 years) are in the area of Cognitive Science - the scientific study of how the mind works, spanning areas such as psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and artificial intelligence. His passion is playing in the intersection between these areas, in particular how to best prepare individuals, teams, schools, and companies to flourish in the digital age.

As an international keynote speaker and “futurist”, Scott utilises his strong background and interest in technology to describe the future of work and the future of education and provides practical “brain-friendly” tools for optimising your happiness and success in this growingly complex and uncertain landscape.

Scott Bolland's audio is live on the 5 Minutes for Me App!


Download the App today to listen.


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