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Bob Gray Travels from Canada, CA

Bob Gray


  • Business Skills
  • Corporate Entertainment
  • Engagement
  • High Energy

Meet Bob Gray: he’s like your favorite college professor but with a sense of humor. An unforgettable mix of fun, interaction, and laughs; Bob is changing the stigma of Memory Experts. Not the pocket protector, white coat wearing kind; he immediately dispels the mystery behind memory. “An excellent memory isn’t a gift, it’s attainable by everyone.”

With previous success as an award-winning sales executive, Bob understands the importance of staff/clients/customers not feeling like a number, a sale, or just your 2:30pm appointment. He puts it simply: “having a trained memory in business is like going from ABCs to PhD.”

Bob shares practical lessons that impact business performance and personal success.

He will share how to build better relationships by overcoming the #1 recall problem both socially and professionally… remembering names. He will show you how to deliver the key points of that important presentation, and how to avoid ‘Digital Amnesia’ the erosion of our natural memory due to its constant outsourcing to our devices.

English born-and-bred – now residing in Canada, Bob helps leaders, employees, salespeople… anyone intent on making a positive impression feel more confident and in control when interacting with others.

Bob’s infectious personality and hilarious delivery make his programs consistently one of the highest rated events at conferences all over the world.  Totally interactive, energetic and fun, attendees walk away with valuable new skills while having a great time!

*The boring stuff.

35 years experience as an international keynote speaker, Gray has taught his innovative memory systems to countless Fortune 500 and 100 companies in over 25 countries across six continents. His unique abilities and memory demonstrations have netted him a place in the Guinness Book of World Records and international TV appearances including The Steve Harvey Show, Ripley’s Believe It or Not, The BBC and The Today Show on ABC.

He is a CSP, Certified Speaking Professional; the highest earned designation in the speaking profession and in 2006 was inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame.

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