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James Kirby Travels from Melbourne, VIC

James Kirby


  • Business
  • Facilitator
  • Globalisation / World Affairs
  • Master Of Ceremonies

James Kirby is well known as the Wealth Editor of The Australian, for which he produces the paper’s wealth section and a range of related online products. He writes a weekly column for The Weekend Australian and presents the twice-weekly Money Puzzle podcast.

For many years, James has presented a weekly segment on News Breakfast at the ABC, and appears as a regular guest on radio stations including ABC 774 in Victoria.

James was the co-founder, a shareholder and the managing editor of the AIBM group with Alan Kohler and Robert Gottliebsen. The AIBM group launched Eureka Report, Business Spectator and a range of related titles before it was sold to News Corporation in 2012.

His experience as both a commentator, combined with his time as a ‘hands-on’ manager of a successful start-up company, creates a unique blend of professional commentary and practical business expertise. His ‘outlook’ presentations, which are a mix a sharp analysis of economic forecasts with precise observations on individual business sectors, have been applauded throughout Australia.

James’s presentations are designed to connect with every audience member whether an investor, a manager, a salary earner, a retiree or simply an interested observer. His mission is to make the world of business, economics and investment accessible to every attendee.  He ensures that his presentations are not academic – rather they are designed to offer take-aways, solutions, ideas and answers to audience members.

He is an in-demand financial commentator with wide experience as a MC and conference facilitator. He offers a splendid grasp of wider economic issues blended with an intensely practical and newsworthy approach that enlivens any gathering.

James Kirby talks about:

With a wide array of weekly media appearances and a key role in the national newspaper, James is absolutely up-do-date on the key issues and trends that will affect your business, group or organisation in the months ahead. He tailors talks for each client with reference to their industry sector in areas such as:

Keynote Titles

  • The outlook for the Australian and global economies
  • The outlook for the Australian financial services sector
  • What economic development opportunities there are in Australia
  • The sustainability of the Australian housing market
  • Optimising opportunities in superannuation and SMSF’s


I would rate James Kirby as one of the greatest speakers we have had for our event, which focused on Major Projects and Investment into the state. I’ve had the pleasure to work with James on two occasions, with approximately seven years between both speaking engagements, and would highly recommend him as a speaker. The feedback we received from those that attended said that James was the highlight of event, and would be happy to hear from him again at future events. James is passionate speaker who delivered a concise and easy to understand presentation for all level of understanding.

Department For Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources And Energy

Very good speaker and presenter. Appreciated his openness to make most of the day and conduct interviews with non-for-profit community media groups.

Developing East Arnhem Limited

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