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Brian Solis Travels from San Francisco, USA

Brian Solis


  • Author
  • Business
  • Digital Technology
  • Disruption
  • Futurist
  • Technology

Brian Solis is the Head of Global Innovation, ServiceNow, 8x Best-Selling Author, Futurist, Digital Anthropologist, Former Global Innovation Evangelist, SalesForce

Globally recognized as one of the most prominent thought leaders on digital transformation, Brian Solis’s expertise in helping organizations understand and embrace the various effects of disruptive technologies is sought out by leading brands including IBM, L’Oreal, 3M, Oracle and Google, and events such as South by Southwest and TEDx.

A digital analyst, anthropologist, and futurist, Solis studies the effects of emerging technology on business, marketing, retail experience and culture to help individuals and organizations better understand the various ways that the evolution of technology impacts business and society, as well as the role we play. As a Principal Analyst at Altimeter Group, he specializes in change management that empowers business leaders to introduce new media resources, systems and processes to embrace and excel in today’s era of the connected customer.

The author of five books, Solis’s newest, X: The Experience When Business Meets Design brings customer experience, user experience and brand experience together to re-imagine the customer journey. As the host of the popular online video series, Revolution, Solis examines technology trends with guests including Katie Couric, Mark Burnett, Shaq, Billy Corgan, and Guy Kawasaki. His blog is consistently ranked in the Top 10 on the Ad Age Power 150 and he is also a contributor to Fast Company, Businessweek, Ad Age, Harvard Business Review, and Mashable.

With tailored presentations on a range of topics, Solis delivers valuable insight on how the evolution of technology, business, and culture impact specific organizations and industries, providing tangible value and direction for all kinds of audiences.

Keynote Titles

  • Prelude to Innovation: A View from Silicon Valley
  • The Future of Work: Cultivating a Culture of Innovation
  • Defeating Digital Distractions


The best keynote in years. His message really resonated with our group!

Bob Fernekees, CRMEvolution

Brian’s presentation on the future of customer experience was phenomenal at NextCon. Survey feedback had him as the highest-rated speaker across all three days!

Yanniv Masjedi, CMO, Nextiva

Brian’s in-depth analysis of the state of retail, as well as his predictions for the future, earned a 10 out of 10. He brought an amazing amount of expertise, polish, and patience. I felt extremely proud of our work together.

David Firth - Electronic Arts, England

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