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Lila Landowski Travels from Hobart, TAS

Lila Landowski


  • Brain / Neuro Science
  • Female Speaker
  • Health
  • Science

Dr. Lila Landowski is a multi-award winning neuroscientist and lecturer at the University of Tasmania, an Executive Director of the Australian Society for Medical Research, a Director of Epilepsy Tasmania, as well as a regular guest expert science communicator for the ABC. Lila’s research background spans across stroke, nanotechnology, fatigue, dementia, axon guidance, and peripheral nerve regeneration.

Over the last 10 years, Lila has taught across the Bachelor of Medicine, Dementia Care, Medical Research, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Nursing, Paramedicine, and Science; as well as the Master of Medical Research and Dementia Care. Lila has been awarded the university’s highest honour - Vice Chancellors’ citations - for her early career in academic teaching and community engagement.

Lila has a strong personal focus on community health and wellbeing, making the wonderful world of science more accessible to the community through radio, TV, public talks, and in print and digital media. She’s received accolades including the Premier’s Young Achiever of the Year, AIPS Young Tall Poppy award, being a Tasmanian finalist for Young Australian of the Year, and an ABC Top5 Science scholar. She was also the focus of a short documentary called “Catching Opportunity.”

As a thought leader in STEM and STEM advocacy, her honorary titles include being a “Superstar of STEM,” an ambassador for public school education, a patron of National Science week, and being named a “Science superhero” by Australia’s Chief Scientist.

Keynote Titles

  • A little stressful conversation, a little more action, please
  • Brain hack: sharing the secrets to productive learning, backed by neuroscience
  • The neuroscience of sleep and dreams
  • The neuroscience of the two big challenges we face in leadership
  • The neuroscience of bad decisions/decision-making in uncertain times

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