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Camilla Thompson Travels from Sydney, NSW

Camilla Thompson


  • Female Speaker
  • Leadership
  • Mental Health
  • Motivational
  • Wellbeing
  • Women In Business

Have you noticed that lately you have less energy? Are your conversations centred around what’s ‘wrong’? Are you more cynical and less motivated? Has self-care moved to the bottom of your to do list? Are you struggling to make decisions and finding yourself easily overwhelmed?

If you’ve answered yes to at least 3 of these questions, then you are experiencing symptoms of the current collective rise in hopelessness.

If this is you, you are not alone. After the ongoing pandemic, extreme weather events and economic uncertainty – many of us are finding that resilience and our usual wellbeing tips and tricks are no longer cutting it.

The science backed Betterment approach to wellbeing created by the team is the antidote not only to this rise in hopelessness but also to the paralysing epidemic of perfectionism and comparison. For many of us, the pursuit of wellbeing has become just another thing we beat ourselves up about.

Betterment begins with a mindset which combats the three most common reasons people fail in their attempts to improve their wellbeing. The focus then shifts to equipping you with the tools that we know work to help you live, feel, think, work, connect and lead better.

With her infectious energy and engaging blend of humour, science and practical tools, Camilla Thompson will share her own burnout story, and how to use the Betterment approach to wellbeing to start feeling better than you do.

Key points for Camilla:

  • Camilla Thompson is the co-founder of a wellness company who specialise in the design and delivery of bespoke strategic mental health and wellbeing programs.
  • She has worked with Canva, Atlassian, PwC, Woolworths, Wesfarmers, Westpac, Optus, Hermes, Unilever, Sydney Metro and Microsoft to name a few of her clients. She has coached many high profile executives and leaders across these varying industries.
  • Camilla's media includes radio interviews and her business have been featured in the SMH, AFR, The Australian, Mumbrella, Ad News, Mediaweek and HR Daily.
  • She has been a wellbeing coach for 10 years and is currently studying to be a nutritionist.
  • Camilla is an executive wellbeing coach, certified health coach, mental health first aider and has studied epigenetics and neuroplasticity.
  • She regularly delivers her talk at health retreats like Elysia and to corporates across Australia & NZ, and MCs events also.
  • In her personal life, she wrangles two teenage boys, loves to keep fit, is passionate about cooking healthy food, grows her own veggies, is an ocean lover and can be seen practicing yoga at the local surf club as well having a few drinks there on a Friday (life's all about balance right and keeping it real).

Keynote Titles

  • Biohacking Basics
  • Supercharge your Life. Elevate your Health. One Biohack at a Time
  • I am Superwoman


Recognising that the challenging times we have been finding ourselves in have a real impact on our team we invited Camilla in to speak to the team at our annual Tribal on managing better mental health and wellbeing. Camilla engaged the team right from the beginning, she was real, relatable and shared holistic solutions backed by science. I have had so much positive feedback from the team on Camilla’s presentation, it just keeps coming! We look forward to continuing to build on this partnership with Select Wellness, as do our team!


Thank you Camilla, for sharing your ‘A better Me journey with our team. Personal and impactful - many valuable learnings shared.

Stanford Brown

Camilla - loved hearing your stories and I know so many more will benefit from it as you share it with the world. A real gift to mental health.

Stanford Brown


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