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Dr Selena Fisk Travels from Scarborough, QLD

Selena Fisk


  • Business Success
  • Education
  • Female Speaker
  • Strategy and Planning

Selena is a data storyteller who is passionate about helping others sort through the numbers to tell the real stories and lead positive change. Data is an increasing presence in our work and home life, yet Selena recognises that this doesn't always come naturally, so she seeks to build skill in others and make the use of data less daunting. 

In many organisations, data is often seen as the job of the analysts, despite the fact that there is a growing expectation that all employees make evidence-informed decisions.  Unfortunately, many people have not been trained in how to use and respond to data, yet everyone needs to be able to ‘talk data’.

The challenge is that the truth contained in data isn’t being utilised when employees are making strategic decisions. This means that the potential that exists to find opportunities, reduce risk, and generally make better decisions, is lost.

When we truly understand our data and can talk about what it’s telling us in ways that are persuasive and powerful, then we can maximise organisational outcomes and profit, improve the impact of organisations on people and the planet, and minimise the risk of whatever we engage in.

Selena mentors executives, middle managers, team leaders and employees in data storytelling, with the goal of benefitting the organisations and communities in which they work.  Her book, 'I'm not a numbers person: How to make good decisions in a data rich world’ was published in 2022

Keynote Titles

  • Data storytelling we do it. - What it is and how
  • Leading cultures of data-informed practice
  • Telling effective data stories


Selena has an ability to establish the true meaning behind the volumes of data our technology teams love to collate and distribute. Understanding what is important, as well as where and how true value can be determined, Selena is able to show us how to deliver this message, in a way that energises staff and encourages our organisation to excel.


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